Crab Productivity by the Claws

Don't be shellfish, take control of your tasks with Procrabstinator Stopper

Ferris left eye right eye

It's time to shelle-brate productivity. Don't let procrastination crab your style.

Procrabstinator is a web extension that aims to provide you the tools to understand and combat your procrastination habits.

Deadline Manager

Manage deadlines, organize information, and filter by characteristics. Determine what tasks take the most priority.

Distraction Accountability

Get reminded about deadlines whenever you open an application that detracts from your productivity.

Personalized Habit Statistics

Learn about your procrastination habits and improve them.

Track Your Tasks

Students who practiced self-forgiveness for their procrastination habits were less likely to procrastinate in the future.

Last minute submissions costs students an average of 0.5 GPA points.

Approximately 20% of men and women in the U.S are chronic procrastinators.

Say No To Distractions

On average, it takes about 23 minutes and 15 seconds to fully recover from a distraction.

Interruptions can cause people to take 27% more time to complete a task and commit up to twice as many errors.

A recent study of 10,000 U.S employees showed that the average amount of time wasted on procrastination was 2.09 hours a day.

Never been a day in my life where I don't think about Procrabstinator.

Crabriel Iglesias

Ever since I implemented Procrabstinator at my company, productivity from all my crabs have increased and our sales have never been higher. Could not recommend enough.

Crobert Jones

Procrabstinator is insane. I've never felt so good doing work and being able to ignore my vices before.

Crabugawa Ieyasu

I've been struggling with procrastination for years and this service has been a game-changer for me.

Monsieur Krabs

As the owner of a prestigious sports team, I sometimes have so much on my plate I procrastinate on my tasks. Haven't been doing that since starting Procrabstinate.

Robert Crabft

I've been so productive with Procrabstinator, I was able to start an intergalactic war among three sentient races.
